International Youth Percussion Competition

International Youth Percussion Competition



Русская версия

The competition is divided into 4 nominations:

  • I nomination – Xylophone & Snare Drum 
  • II nomination – Vibraphone (solo)
  • III nomination – Marimba (solo)
  • IV nomination – Percussion Duo*

And 5 age categories:

  • Cat. Junior (from 7 to 8 years old)
  • Cat. А (from 9 to 11 years old)
  • Cat. B (from 12 to14 years old) 
  • Cat. C (from 15 to 18 years old)
  • Cat. D (from 19 to 24 years old)

Competitive auditions will be held in 3 rounds:

R. I – Eliminatory Round – from 26th to 30th September 2018 (a video recorded musical pieces must be send)

R. II and R. III – are held in Lyceum of Arts “St.Petersburg” (34 Doblesti Str.) from 1th to 6th November 2018.

Awards ceremony and winners concert will be held on 6th November in 

Small Hall of the Academic Philharmonic Society of St. Petersburg (30 Nevsky Рr.)

Contact: e-mail - Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript. phone: +7 (921) 315-43-42 and +7 (921) 927-01-06

International Youth Percussion Competition



Русская версия

The competition is divided into 4 nominations:

  • I nomination – Xylophone & Snare Drum 
  • II nomination – Vibraphone (solo)
  • III nomination – Marimba (solo)
  • IV nomination – Percussion Duo*

And 5 age categories:

  • Cat. Junior (from 7 to 8 years old)
  • Cat. А (from 9 to 11 years old)
  • Cat. B (from 12 to14 years old) 
  • Cat. C (from 15 to 18 years old)
  • Cat. D (from 19 to 24 years old)

Competitive auditions will be held in 3 rounds:

R. I – Eliminatory Round – from 26th to 30th September 2018 (a video recorded musical pieces must be send)

R. II and R. III – are held in Lyceum of Arts “St.Petersburg” (34 Doblesti Str.) from 1th to 6th November 2018.

Awards ceremony and winners concert will be held on 6th November in 

Small Hall of the Academic Philharmonic Society of St. Petersburg (30 Nevsky Рr.)

Contact: e-mail - Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript. phone: +7 (921) 315-43-42 and +7 (921) 927-01-06

SCHEDULE of the International Youth Percussion Competition

of  the
International Youth Percussion Competition

Arts Lyceum, Doblesti str, 34 A

Thursday, November 1

14 00 – Registration of the contestants
15 00 – Opening ceremony, drawing of lots
16 00 – Rehearsals in the classroms, according to the schedule

Friday, Novemeber 2

Small Hall

Nomination 1 - «Xylophone and Snare Drum» - 2nd Round

9.00 – 11.00 –  acoustic reheasal on the stage for the competitors  of age category «А»;
11.00 – 13.00 – 2nd Round performances, age category «А»;
13.00 – 13.30 –  Discussion of the Jury
13.00 – 15.00 – acoustic rehearsal on the stage for the competitors of age category «В»

Lunch break

15.00 – 17.30 – 2nd Round performances, age category «В»
17.30 – 18.00 – Discussion of the Jury
18.00  - Master class by Pavel Stepanov «The rudimental techniques of playing the Snare Drum»

Theatre Hall

Nomination 3 - «Marimba solo» - 2nd Round

9.00 - 11.00 – acoustic rehearsal on the stage for the competitors of age categories «В» «С» «D»
11.00- 12.30  – 2nd Round performances of  age category «С»
12.30 - 13.15 - 2nd Round performances of age category «D»
13.15 - 13.35 - 2nd Round performances of age category «В»
13.35 - 14.00 – Discussion of the Jury

Lunch break

Nomination 4 - «Percussion duo» - 2nd Round (age categories «С» and «D»)

13.30 -15.00 - acoustic rehearsal for competitors of age categories «С» and «D»
15.00 - 16.15 - Performances of age categories «С» and «D»
16.00 - 16.30 - Discussion of the Jury

Saturday, November 3

Small Hall

Nomination 1 – «Xylophone and Snare Drum» - 2nd Round

9.00 - 11.00 – acoustic rehearsal on the stage for competitors of the age categories «C» and «D»
11.00 - 12.30 – Performances of the competitors, age category «C»
12.30 - 13.00 – Discussion of the Jury
13.00 - 13.30 – Performances of competitors, age category «D»
13.30 - 13.45 – Discussion of the Jury

Lunch break

13.30 - 15.00 – acoustic rehearsal on the stage for the competitors of the age category «Junior»
15.00 - 16.30 – Performances of the competitors, age category «Junior»
16.30 - 17.00 – Discussion of the Jury
19.00 - Concert of the member of the Jury Anders Astrand (Sweden) in Yaani Kirik Concert Hall, Dekabrystov str, 54

Theatre Hall

 Nomination 2 – «Vibraphone solo» - 2nd Round

9.00 - 11.00 – acoustic rehearsal on the stage for competitors of the age categories  «В», «С», «D»
11.00 - 11.45 – Performances of the competitors, age category «В»
11.45 - 12.30 – Performances of the competitors, age category «С»
12.30 - 13 45 – Performances of the competitors, age category «D»
13.45 - 14.15 – Discussion of the Jury

Lunch break

19.00 - Concert of the member of the Jury Anders Astrand (Sweden) in Yaani Kirik Concert Hall, Dekabrystov str, 54

Sunday, November 4

Small Hall

Nomination 1 – «Xylophone and Snare Drum» - 3rd Round  

9.00 - 11.00 – acoustic rehearsal for competitors of age categories «А» and  «В», succeeded to the 3rd Round of the competition
11.00 - 12.15 – Performances of competitors, age category «А»
12.15 - 12.30 – Discussion of the Jury
12.30 - 13.45 – Performances of the competitors, age category «В»
13.45 - 14.00 – Discussion of the Jury

Lunch break

13.30 - 15.00 – acoustic rehearsal on the stage for competitors of the age categories «С» and  «D», succeeded to the 3rd  Qualifying Round of the competition
15.00 - 16.15 – Performances of the competitors, age categories  «С» and «D»
16.15 - 17.00 – Discussion of the Jury

Nomination 4 - « Percussion duo» - 2nd Round ( age categories  «А» and «В»)

16.15 - 17.00 – acoustic rehearsal for competitors of the age categories «А» and «В»
17.00 - 17.45 – Performances of the competitors, age categories «А» and «В»
17.45 - 18.00 – Discussion of the Jury
18.00 - Master class by Francesca Santangelo (Italy), Small Hall

Theatre Hall

Nomination 3 - «Marimba» - 3rd  Round

9.00 - 11.00 – acoustic rehearsal for competitors of the age categories «В» «С» and  «D», succeeded to the 3rd Round of the competition
11.00 - 13.30 – Performances of competitors, age categories «В» «С» and «D»
13.30 - 14.00 – Discussion of the Jury

Lunch break

Monday, November 5

Small Hall

Nomination 2 «Vibraphone solo»,  3rd  Round

9.00 - 11.00 – acoustic rehearsal on the stage for competitors of age categories «В» «С» and  «D», succeeded to the 3rd rund of the competition
11.00 - 11.40 –Performances of competitors, age category «В»
11.40 - 12.20 – Performances of competitors, age category «С»
12.30 - 13.30 – Performances of competitors, age category «D»
13.30 - 14.00 – Discussion of the Jury

Lunch break

Nomination  4 - «Percussion duo» 3rd Round ( «А» «В» «С» «D»)

14.00 - 15.00 – acoustic rehearsal for competitors of the age categories «А» «В» «С» and  «D», succeeded to the 3rd Round of the competition
15.00 - 17.00 – Performances of the competitors, age categories «А» «В» «С» and  «D»
17.00 - 17.30 -Discussion of the Jury
18.00 - Master class by Edgars Saksons (Latvia), Small Hall

Tuesday, November 6

19.00 - Final Gala Concert and Award cer ceremony of the Prize Winners of the Competition in the Small Hall of St-Petersburg State Academic Philharmonia, named after D. Shostakovich, Nevsky prospekt, 30


All the competitors are obliged to provide for the Jury three copies of the scores of the works to be perforemed at the competition.



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